⭐ 20 November 2024 – Recording an MP3 for your clients – Two Hour Workshop

CPD Event title: Recording an MP3 for your clients – Two Hour Workshop

Brief Description Of Event: It is known that giving your client an MP3 to listen to in the comfort of their own home has great benefits:

• It consolidates the suggestions given in the therapy room
• Has extra perceived value
• Ensures your client has some ‘me time’
• After sessions, they can listen to the recordings.
• We learn by listening – children learn to speak before they can read or write

Over the years that we have been running workshops for qualified hypnotherapists, we have been asked many times how to make professional quality recordings for clients. These recordings must be of a high standard, with good sound and, if required, additions like binaural beats, subliminal messages and copyright free music.

This Workshop has been designed so that you can follow the very comprehensive visual and written instructions in order to achieve a good, professional quality MP3 recording which you will be proud to send to your clients.

Learning Objectives: On the Workshop you will learn:

• How to produce professional quality MP3’s with Audacity
• How to correct mistakes
• Adding silence
• Deleting long unwanted sections
• Adding affirmations
• Adding subliminal messages
• Adding binaural beats
• Adding copyright free music
• How to manage files and store MP3’s
• How and why to save your projects
• How to save finished recordings
• How to send the recordings to your clients

Course Structure: The Workshop commences at 9am and concludes at approximately 11am

Date of event: November 20, 2024

Duration of Event: 1 days

Venue for event: On-line Live via Zoom

Name of trainer: Clem Turner

Tel bookings: 07960788093

Email bookings: mags@clemturner.co.uk

Website: clemturner.co.uk/product/recording-an-mp3-for-your-clients-two-hour-workshop/

Maximum number of participants:

Cost of Course: £80.00

Cost for NCH members: £60.00

How to claim discount: Members should quote their membership number when booking

Additional information/requirements:

Tutor Clem Turner:

Clem has been a qualified hypnotherapist since 2004 and has specialized in anxiety, PTSD, Pain Management and Working with Children for many years.
Clem has helped many people to produce professional MP3’s for clients and has been asked to put together this workshop so that more people can benefit from his knowledge.

What’s included?

Step by step instructions how to record an MP3 for your clients which you can follow when making your own recordings – plus a recording of the workshop for you to work with afterwards.
On-going support from Clem if you still have questions after you have experienced the workshop.