Rachel Gillibrand: Unveiling the Neuroscience Behind Hypnosis

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From Psychology to Hypnotherapy: A Journey of Personal Exploration

In a fascinating conversation between host Tracey Grist and guest Dr. Rachel Gillibrand on the NCH Podcast, the intricacies and transformative potential of hypnotherapy were explored in depth. Dr. Gillibrand, a seasoned hypnotherapist with a robust background in psychology, shared her journey from the structured rigours of psychology to the more fluid and personal approach of hypnotherapy. Her inspiration came from an unlikely source – a Guy Ritchie movie featuring a hypnotist character. This cinematic experience piqued her interest in hypnotherapy and led her to delve into the subconscious, exploring the rich terrain of emotional release and client-centred therapy. ## Understanding the Levels of Hypnosis In the episode, Dr. Gillibrand enlightens listeners about the various levels of hypnosis, ranging from light trances to deep emotional work that can be achieved with a skilled therapist. She emphasises the importance of experiencing hypnosis firsthand to truly appreciate its transformative power. Hypnotherapy, according to Dr. Gillibrand, can lead to extraordinary changes, helping individuals access inner resources and visualise positive outcomes. This form of therapy is not just about the trance-like state, but about enabling clients to discover and utilise their internal strengths and knowledge.

The Intersection of Neuroscience and Hypnosis

One of the most intriguing aspects of the discussion was Dr. Gillibrand’s collaboration with a colleague in neuroscience to study the brain activity during hypnosis using EEG technology. Their research unveiled how hypnosis influences brain activity, especially in enhancing creative thinking. Dr. Gillibrand explained how a journey-type trance, using metaphors and visual stories, has shown significant impacts on the brain. This type of trance allows for an imaginative exploration where the brain’s default mode network is activated, fostering creativity and problem-solving. Their studies have shown that creative activities like visualising a walk along a boardwalk and transitioning to a beach can illuminate specific parts of the brain, underscoring the therapeutic and creative potential of hypnosis.

The Societal Need for Play and Creativity

Tracey and Rachel also delved into an important societal issue – the diminishing space for play and fun due to the pressures of hard work and linear thinking. They discussed how modern lifestyles often constrain creativity and lead to a constricted mindset. Dr. Gillibrand argued for the need to reintegrate play and fun into our lives, as these elements are crucial for a healthy, creative mind. Hypnotherapy provides a unique therapeutic space that encourages this kind of exploration, allowing individuals to reconnect with their inner child and rediscover the joy of creativity and imagination.

The Client-Centred Approach in Hypnotherapy

A key highlight of the episode was the emphasis on client-driven work in hypnotherapy. Dr. Gillibrand and Tracey stressed the importance of allowing the client to guide the session based on their needs and feedback. This approach ensures that therapy is tailored to the individual, making it more effective and meaningful. Rachel’s scientific approach is balanced with a deep respect for the client’s expertise in their own life, underlining the significance of asking purposeful questions that facilitate deeper self-exploration and healing. ## The Role of the NCH in Ensuring Professional Standards The NCH, as discussed in the podcast, plays a pivotal role in providing a safe space for hypnotherapists and psychologists. It ensures that practitioners meet professional standards and engage in continuous professional development. Additionally, the NCH offers DBS clearance for therapists, adding an extra layer of safety for clients. This commitment to professional excellence ensures that clients receive the highest quality of care in a safe and supportive environment.