Event Title: Certificate in Mindfulness (Part 1) – One Day CPD Workshop – Understanding the power and practice of mindfulness
Brief description of CPD event: This workshop has been designed to help hypnotherapists support clients who feel overwhelmed by anxiety, stress, worry, self-judgment and a host of other negative belief, thought and behavior patterns. Mindfulness is rapidly becoming one of the most widely applied “talk therapies”. GP’s are now even prescribing books on mindfulness to patients as an alternative to low doses of anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medication.
Learning Objectives: By combining the power of mindfulness and hypnotherapy you will be able to equip your clients with effective and lasting tools to deal with a huge variety of issues including: anxiety, self-harm, depression, help relieve stress, lower blood pressure, reduce chronic pain, improve sleep, alleviate gastrointestinal difficulties, and obsessive-compulsive disorder to name but a few.The day is highly practical in nature and you will have the opportunity to experience mindfulness and its component elements for yourself throughout the workshop.
Course Structure: On the workshop you will learn:
- What mindfulness is, and where it comes from
- History of Mindfulness
- Founding principles
- Further resources
- How to teach mindfulness
- Developing your own practice as a therapist
- Helping clients develop a mindfulness practice.
- Mindful stepping-stones and levels (including practical elements of experiencing mindfulness and leading mindfulness sessions)
Date: 3rd October 2015
Times: 10 am – 5.00 pm
Venue: Manor House, Manor Street, Sutton in Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, NG17 1BG
Name of trainer: Julie Hurst
Tel Bookings: Margaret Turner 01623 556234
Email bookings: mags@clemturner.demon.co.uk
Web address: www.clemturner.co.uk
Maximum number of participants: 10
Cost for NCH members: £120
Cost for non-NCH members: £140
Additional information/requirements: Delegates will receive all scripts and further information for clients on a CD. Cost includes safe car parking, delicious buffet lunch and refreshments throughout the day, certificate of attendance and ongoing support by phone or e-mail.