CPD event title: CBT for Hypnotherapists – One Day Workshop – this workshop is an extension of the valuable skills learned in our popular one day Workshop – CBT for Hypnotherapists.
Brief description of event:Cognitive Behavioural Therapy focuses on the way people think, feel and act in order to help them overcome emotional and behavioural issues. It uses scientifically researched and tested method to bring about effective change.It is used to treat a long list of issues including addictions, anger, anxiety, depression, OCD, low self esteem, panic, phobias, and PTSD. It has a natural synergy with hypnotherapy and the two approaches can be combined together to form a powerful toolkit of interventions that last well beyond the end of client sessions.
Learning Objectives: This course will take you through a wide range of practical CBT tools that will enhance your ability to provide clients with easy to understand, long lasting strategies to overcome present and future difficulties.
Course Structure: On the Workshop you will learn:
What is CBT?:
- Some working definitions of CBT
- A brief history of CBT
- Its main uses and NICE guidelines
- CBT foundations, (e.g. skill based, client becomes own therapist)
CBT Basics:
- The Main CBT Model
- Thinking Errors
- Socratic questioning
Tools & Techniques:
- Thinking errors and thought forms
- Drilling down
- Belief change
- Problem Solving
- Building new beliefs
- Setback planning
Date and Times of event: 7th November 2015 10.00 am – 4.30 pm
Venue for event: Manor House, Manor Street, Sutton in Ashfield, Nottinghamshire,NG17 1BG
Name of trainer: Julie Hurst
Tel bookings: Margaret Turner 01623 556234
Email bookings: mags@clemturner.demon.co.uk
Website: www.clemturner.co.uk
Maximum number of participants: 10
Cost for NCH members: £140
Cost for non-NCH members: £160
Additional information/requirements: Delegates will receive all scripts and forms for clients on a CD.Cost includes safe car parking, delicious buffet lunch and refreshments throughout the day, certificate of attendance and ongoing support by phone or e-mail.