A rising number of UK youngsters are seeking help to cope with the stress of exams, the charity ChildLine says and, according to a BBC report, data shows the charity conducted 3,077 counselling sessions about the issue over the past year. This was almost 10% on 2014/15 figures.
ChildLine also undertook 1,127 counselling sessions about exam results – up 20% on 2014/15. The helpline, which is run by the NSPCC, says the pressure to succeed is being felt by an increasing number of young people.
What all parents want for their children at exam time is that they perform at their best, in an anxious-free way and enjoy their learning, says the National Council for Hypnotherapy (NCH).
“Today, however, most parents see their children going through a very difficult learning curve. And they face fears of exam pressure and of failure.
“The stress and anxiety around exams is huge with many pupils worried that a poor result in any just one exam might have a huge impact on their adult life.”
It is a well-known fact that anxiety affects performance – this has been seen and studied in sporting arenas and stadiums the world over – so it is no surprise that the bigger the fear of failure the harder it is to deliver an optimal performance.
“Hypnotherapy works well in this area as it focuses on a person’s ability to perform to their best, which is performing without anxiety but with confidence,” says the NCH which has more than 1,800 qualified hypnotherapists across the UK.
“This is achieved by helping individuals to re–focus their attention on what they can do and what they do know rather than on what the do not know.
“By building confidence and strength from within – rather than focusing on the fear of failure without – a child will realise how much they already do know and so it becomes easier for them to fill in the blanks.”
National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) chief executive Peter Wanless told the BBC: “The exam period can be a very stressful and anxious time for young people. As these figures reveal, the pressure to do well is being felt by an increasing number of young people across the country.
“We hear from lots of young people each year who are anxious, worried or panicking about their exams and revision.”
The NCH adds: “Hypnotherapy helps empower an individual through self confidence which becomes a very positive motivating force. If you believe you can then you most likely will.”
By using the NCH directory, you can find a therapist near you who will be able to help.