Hypnotherapy has hit the mainstream again, this time featuring in a chart topping pop song by Katy Perry. Her latest hit ‘Never Really Over’ contains the lyric “I guess I could try hypnotherapy, I gotta rewire this brain”. The former wife of Russel Brand, both Perry and Brand have sought out hypnotherapy for various reasons over the course of their careers.
Brand even scandalously asked for sessions to make a co-star appear less attractive to him back in 2013, a move which he admits failed because he couldn’t help but just “let nature run its course.”
The song by Katy Perry is the UK’s highest new chart entry at 13, signalling the end of a two-year solo hiatus and references her struggles with past relationships. In 2014 Katy sought out hypnotherapy to help her move on from a relationship split with John Mayer. The singer had split with Mayer twice before and reportedly wanted that last time to be final.
The lyric detail obsessive thoughts and checking statuses on social media, something that many people in the throes of a breakup will admit to doing. These compulsive thoughts can cause real distress and anxiety, particularly if you see pictures of your ex with their new partner on social media.
Coping with the stress and anxiety of a relationship breakdown can leave people feeling that they are struggling with their mental health. The National Council for Hypnotherapy says that the emotions felt at the end of a relationship “can manifest itself in many ways [affecting] relationships with people at home, at school or at work, how you look and how you fit into your social circle.”
“Hypnotherapy unlocks the potential you have to break free of negative thought patterns, and to react more positively and more confidently.” Through sessions with a hypnotherapist you can reduce persistent or obsessive thoughts about your ex, improve your self-esteem and rebuild a happy life.
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