NCH News

Hypnotherapy can beat weight woes

A recent study has revealed the disturbing statistic that British girls are the fattest in Europe with almost a third overweight or obese. UK girls under 20 top a league…

Hypnotherapy can beat smoking

World No Tobacco Day (WNTD) is observed around the world every year on May 31 and its aim is to encourage a 24-hour period of abstinence from all forms of…

Hypnotherapy can beat exam stress

Writing exams – whether for GCSEs, A levels, university or as a working adult seeking promotion – can be stressful and an anxious time for the student as well as…

What is clinical hypnotherapy?

Many people might be unaware of what hypnotherapy really is. Some see it as mumbo-jumbo and something which can mess with your mind. This is not true. Hypnotherapy is an…

Dealing with ambiguous loss

The relatives of passengers on board the missing Malaysian Airlines plane have been told the plane crashed in the ocean, with no survivors. And the search for information continues. So…