Nick Cooke, MNCH(Acc) Nick Cooke was elected by the NCH members and appointed Member Services Director in August 2017. He brings to the role many years of experience as a…
This one day event is being held at the Royal Society of Medicine in central London it has a stunning line up covering Consciousness, Hypno-surgery, CBT, Marketing and Hypnotherapy…
Are you looking for research, evidence or information about a specific application of hypnotherapy or some other aspect of hypnosis? Here’s a quick guide and some links to help you find the research you’re looking for online.
Visit the new “National Council for Hypnotherapy” page on Facebook where you can read news, network with therapists, join in discussions, browse articles, etc.
This article briefly reviews the first major meta-analysis in the field of psychotherapy, The Benefits of Psychotherapy, by Smith et al. (1980), which pooled outcome data from 475 different controlled treatment studies.
The NCH have just published the book The Discovery of Hypnosis: The Complete Writings of James Braid, the Father of Hypnotherapy, edited by Donald Robertson, which is now available from Amazon online.
Donna Green – MNCH (Acc) DipC.Hyp HPD Sup(Hyp) I have been working as a Cognitive Hypnotherapist since 2006. I also run a training company working predominantly within the field of health and social care…
NCH Members have now been added to UKCHO’s National Register of Hypnotherapists – details will be updated monthly
The practice of hypnotherapy is not about to be restricted by any forthcoming changes to the law. Some people have mistakenly assumed otherwise because of various discussions taking place in…