NCH Conference 2021


Saturday 25th September

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2021 Conference

The fun way to learn, network and grow

World-class speakers from both home and abroad

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Join us at this year's NCH Conference

The NCH is the UK’s leading not-for-profit hypnotherapy professional association, representing over 1800 professional hypnotherapists.

We are incredibly excited to announce the very first NCH online conference!

The day will be packed with top-level speakers, networking opportunities and great offers from companies that know our profession and know what you're looking for.

We've got access to an incredible online platform that allows a truly interactive and immersive experience.

Attendance can also count as part of your Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Early Bird tickets are still available. Choose from one individual session, the entire day or the day, plus recordings.  Save 20% with and Early Bird Ticket, but you best be quick!

Once they have sold out all remaining tickets we be available at the following prices.
Ticket prices:
NCH Members: 1 Session £24.99, 1 Day £69.99, 1 Day + Recordings £99.99
Non Members: 1 Session £29.99, 1 Day £83.99, 1 Day + Recordings £119.99

Visit our website shop here

NCH Conference 2021 Speakers

Kathy Carter

Embracing the neurodiversity-affirming hypnotherapist ethos

The talk ‘Embracing the neurodiversity-affirming hypnotherapist ethos’ aims to shed some light on some common myths surrounding neurodivergent and especially autistic clients – including so-called challenges with imagination and empathy, and the widely-held view that autism doesn’t define a client. Looking through a neurodivergent lens, Kathy aims to introduce some of the modern neurodiversity concepts, including language and labels, as well as some key facets of the autistic experience. These include the ‘double empathy’ problem; monotropism, which recognises and even celebrates interest-based brains; and the breaking down of unhelpful stereotypical viewpoints of autistic people and clients, especially concerning empathy, imagination, and how neurodivergence defines individuals, and shapes their identities.
Kathy will also introduce some discussion about the medical versus social model of disability – as well as how holistic, autonomic nervous system-based concepts within talking therapy position the autistic experience, in terms of individuals’ social engagement systems.
The talk will feature lots of practical tips about how a therapy room can be physically adapted to suit neurodivergent clients, how telehealth sessions may be affected, and what modality adaptions may be useful, from a neurodivergent client’s perspective

Rob McNeilly

How many Ericksonian Therapists Does it take to change a light globe? The practical heritage of Milton H Erickson.

1)This presentation focuses on practical applications rather than theories.
2) You will learn about a simple, respectful way of inviting anyone into hypnosis to help them to access and utilise missing resources so they can resolve their problem easily and permanently.
3) You will take away an ability to incorporate this approach into your clinical work, adding to your effectiveness and personal satisfaction.

Steve Burgess

The Power of Past Life Regression

In recent years Past Life Regression has attracted a great deal of positive publicity and those therapists who use it regularly know that it is one of THE most powerful therapeutic interventions in the therapists’ arsenal of techniques.
The causes of a wide range of stress-related and emotional problems, as well as many dysfunctional behaviour patterns, can often be traced back not only into this lifetime but also back to events and traumas which have occurred in past lives.
These include:
Fears and phobias                 Anxiety states and panic attacks          Addictions
Physical illnesses and pain     Weight problems                                 Skin disorders
Lack of confidence                  Sexual problems                                  Migraines                     
Depression                              Obsessional behaviour                         Anger issues                 
Emotional Imbalances            Relationship problems               etc, etc, etc.

By allowing our clients to recall and explore the dramas of past lives we can help to:
*Treat effectively many issues presented in therapy.
*Stimulate increased self-knowledge and reduce or overcome fear of death.
*Reveal the karmic causes of physical illnesses and heal them.
*Dissolve the negative aspects of the past which hinder growth and contentment.
*Discover a greater meaning and purpose in life and enhance spiritual awareness.
The benefits to the client are immense and quite often life changing.  Past Life Regression can also be used as a means of bringing resources from the past into the present in order to help the client enhance his or her current life.  Past Life Regression is also good for business – it invariably attracts publicity and can stimulate a lot interest in your therapy practice.
Steve Burgess specialises in using regression with many of his clients, working on the emotional root causes of their issues to heal them. Many of his regression sessions involve going back into previous lives, and Steve has facilitated many thousands of past life regressions over his 29 year career. His presentation will focus on the incredible healing power of past life regression, illustrated with some of his client’s past life experiences whilst in trance.
Steve will also discuss the importance of past life regression as a therapy process, and why, in his opinion, past life therapy should be treated as a mainstream therapy process, instead of being side-lined as New Age alternative therapy.
Steve has developed his own regression system which uses Ideo-Motor Response signalling to allow the client’s subconscious to not only diagnose the causes of their issue but also to lead both therapist and client into the previous lives and release the traumas which are causing the issue. Often the client also becomes aware of understandings and learnings that they bring back into their present life to give greater understanding of their life.
Steve’s presentation promises to be lively, controversial, thought-provoking and given with his trademark sense of humour!

Alicja Heyda Ph.D.

Practical Breathwork in Psychotherapy of Cancer Patients

Cancer is a great challenge, both for the patients, and their families. Breathwork methods of various origins based on different rhythms and embodying awareness can be very helpful. According to research various breathwork methods quickly reduce pain, fear, panic and depression.
        Polyvagal theory setting is helping to understand how the human being may self-regulate with various breathing patterns causing optimal vagal stimulation.  There are many types of breathwork - faster styles which activate sympathetic (fight-flight response) and the slower of 6 breaths per minute or less which activate ventral vagal parasympathetic response related to safety and safe social connection.  Slow rhythmic breathing (coherent breathing) of 6 bpm is known for its beneficial effects on regulating the peripheral nervous system through vagal nerve stimulation, improving heart-rate variability, oxygenation and reducing hypertension. Various cancer types and their treatment very often cause facial and bodily disfigurement, fatigue, pain, speech problems, and depression. Slow type breathwork is easy to introduce and helps the patients immediately to self-regulate and calm down symptoms like prolonged nausea, anticipatory nausea, panic attacks,  pain, PTSD, claustrophobia during chemotherapy, radiology and radiotherapy procedures.

Dr. Olivia Remes

How to cope with anxiety and bounce back, and take back control in your life

Anxiety is high and we're looking for new ways to take back control of our lives.  New ways to become resilient and bounce back.  Whether you've been dealt a good or bad hand in life, now is the time to take charge and bounce back to get closer to the life you want.  Cambridge University researcher, Dr. Olivia Remes will be sharing tips on overcoming anxiety, as well as obstacles in life and becoming resilient, based on research.  This is especially important now that we're going through the pandemic and our mental health has been affected in more ways than one.

The other aspect that this talk will touch on is the link between anxiety and stress, and how to achieve work-life balance.  A bit of stress is good for us, because it motivates us to get  things done.  When stress becomes out of control, that's when our mental health and wellbeing start to suffer.  When does stress become associated with anxiety, and how can you recognise the signs of stress in yourself?  In this talk, Dr. Olivia Remes, will reveal the key to this, and will teach the audience actionable strategies for taking better care of ourselves when the stress gets to be too much - it will show how you can feel in greater control and get closer to the life you want.

Kaz Riley

Working with female sexuality in 2021, it’s time for things to change!

The study of female sexuality and the understanding of female sexual function is a relatively new science. This talk will outline the latest research and how that applies to the therapeutic setting. Many therapists shy away from sexual issues, but with 80% of women currently classified as having a sexual dysfunction, even if you don’t work with sexual issues directly you will be working with clients that have sexual issues, those issues will impact on every area of their lives. This talk will highlight why we need to educate ourselves and our clients and how to do that. This talk will be extremely frank and open, if you are offended easily, this talk might not be for you.

Miriam van Groen

Shaking the Snowglobe - Intentional Psychedelic Experiences

The psychedelic renaissance is a thing to behold. There are many opportunities for people's increased wellbeing, but also valid concerns. This talk will be give a quick overview of the workings of psychedelics, developments in the global field, and the Dutch situation specifically. Then we'll focus in on the personal: the skills and attitudes needed by guides, how to decide who are suitable trippers, and how to create the best possible circumstances for lasting positive change.

Cathy Simmonds

How to package your therapy programmes to serve your clients at the deepest level - and step into consistent and predictable income

Cathy talks about a way of offering your services that has already transformed the practice of many therapists. A path to higher and more consistent income as well as one that gives you the confidence that your clients will get the results they crave.

We will cover how bringing your uniqueness into your practice and programmes can offer magical new ways of reaching the clients you love to work with most, even if you aren’t wedded to a niche, so your favourite clients will say ‘Yes’ as soon as they see what you offer.

You will learn the 3-sweep approach to designing client programmes that serve and sell, which has never before been shared outside of her group coaching and online programmes,
and how to quickly and easily apply this to your practice without sacrificing any flexibility.

You’ll find out why the therapy side of your business need not be completely separated from the business side, and how combining the two can even make your marketing easier.

And take away a framework you can use over and over again, with lots of new and exciting ideas.

So come and listen to some great advice and learn a strategy that can easily apply to your practice and business whatever your level of experience.

It’s time to say goodbye to the feast and famine of the uncertainty of session-by-session work.

Antonietta Angelina Viola

You’re tough, but are you mentally tough? Unlock your greatest potential, Your Mental Toughness. Tools to improve performance and success for you and your clients.

Mental toughness is a valuable skill in today’s challenging world. Most people are familiar with building physical strength, but there is a lot more ambiguity when it comes to building mental strength, especially mental toughness.

Mental toughness is not always taught. It is two-fold:
1. How you perform under pressure
2. How you deal, cope and handle adversity, setbacks and challenges

Antonietta Angelina will address the skills needed to build mental toughness and resilience, answering the following questions:

1. Why is mental toughness important?
2. What is mental toughness?
3. How mental toughness and resilience is measured.
4. How to build mental toughness and resilience.
5. The science of mental toughness in Health, Work and Life.

She will look at the research, theories and applications of mental toughness, to facilitate you and your clients to succeed, even more!

Ali Knowles

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Talk info to follow

Bob Burns

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Talk info to follow


Title to follow

Talk info to follow


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Benefits of the HPD include:

  • Free Student membership of NCH
  • Accredited by NCFE and benchmarked at Level 4
  • Meets National Occupational Standards recognised by Complimentary National Healthcare Council
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Benefits include:

  • Receive The Hypnotherapy Journal
  • Member rates for the NCH conference
  • Regular eBulletins and access to hypnotherapy resources
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Practitioner Diploma (HPD). Benefits over Associates, include:

  • Listing in the NCH hypnotherapist finder
  • Discounts on professional insurance
  • Discounts on training and conferences
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